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From Jerk Stresser to Emotional Intelligence Guru for Construction

Brent Darnell’s journey to being a coach to get construction project teams to have Less stress, better life balance, loose weight, have productivity go up and get people working at peak level performance mentally physically and emotionally.

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What is your favorite book?

  • Business Book:The 5th Discipline by Peter Senge – The book is about systems thinking and leadership. Softer side of leadership.
  • Novel: To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee- life lessons, empathy lessons.

Tao of Emotional Intelligence app:

Quote to Live By:

“It’s important to become a lifelong learner.”

www.Brent newsletter sign-up [It can be found here.]

Music By: Epic Music Supervision

About the author, Brittanie

Construction Management professional and enthusiast. I'm always researching ways to positively impact the construction industry by implementing best practices and innovative ideas, and implementing collaborative approaches.