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Digitization of Effective Team Building Strategies of Major Projects

Today we are speaking with Tony Llewellyn, he is the Collaborative Director at Resolex. He is the author of two team coaching books, Performance Coaching for Complex Projects, influencing behavior and enabling change & the supporting toolkit – The Team Coaching Toolkit, 55 Tools, and Techniques for Building Brilliant Teams. We review team dynamic and…

Blockchain for Collaborative Communities

Ephraim Feig, is an IEEE Life Fellow and has a Ph.D. in Mathematics. He was the manager of Signal Processing and Coding at IBM’s Watson Research Center; CTO and CMO at Kintera, an early cloud company; Senior Director of Services Architecture at Motorola; and Associate CIO for Vision and Strategy at Social Security Administration. He…

The Intersection of Blockchain and Lean

Thomas Cox is a lean leadership coach and practitioner who found himself really interested in blockchain. He has focused his efforts on the governance aspect of blockchain because of the influence it has on relationships, resources, and collaboration. He was a former governor candidate, and he has a unique view on leadership lean and blockchain.…

Developing a Viable Blockchain Implementation Plan for Real Estate

Kevin Shtofman is a digital technology evangelist at Deloitte Consulting. He promotes Blockchain, Robotics, Cognitive Automation, and Machine Learning in Real Estate. Kevin talks about how in real estate transactions, where transferring funds from party to party could take days or weeks, can take minutes on a blockchain. He also discusses many of the pilot projects…

Gamification and Blockchain: The Future of Work

Yu-Kai Chou, Gamification Author & International Keynote Speaker is the creator of the Octalysis Framework. Yu-Kai has a fascinating perspective on what influences and motivates certain actions as he is an expert in making games more productive, and making life more gamified. He has been a leader in the field of behavior design and influences.…