Voice of Blockchain 2018 Recap: Part 3
The last Recap of Voice of Blockchain 2018 featuring Sharon Burns COO of the Chicago Blockchain Project shares her debut project and shares how using a blockchain platform to enable better tracking for the philanthropic funding process. I also speak with Lindsay shares her thoughts on diversity and inclusion as from panel she shared…
Voice of Blockchain 2018 Recap: Part 2
The first-panel discussion about Interfacing of Technology and Local Government was led by Alexandra Prodromos Executive Director at the Chicago Blockchain Center. Panelists included Sunil Thomas, Cluster CIO and the State of Illinois Department of Innovation & Technology, Christopher Cutter Mountain Ethos, and Lisa Nestor partnerships at Stellar. The second panel discussion about Blockchain Opportunities in Special Economic Zones hosted Lotta…
Voice of Blockchain 2018 Recap: Part 1
This episode is the first of Voice of Blockchain Conference recap episodes. Here are two panel discussions discussion how blockchain can be used in the built environment. The first panel discussion about “Construction Use Cases” with Brittanie Campbell-Turner, Kimon Onuma, Rob Salvador, and Micheal Bordenaro The 2nd panel discussion covers the topic of “Building Information Modeling,…
How to Be Flexible with Smart Contracts
Amy Wan, Esq., Founder and Chief Legal Hacker at Sagewise. She was previously a Partner at a law firm and original general counsel of a real estate crowdfunding startup. We talk about how Sagewise provides dispute resolution for smart contracts, what her thoughts on the future of smart contracts and how to responding to more…
Using Blockchain to Transform the Real Estate Industry
Ragnar Lifthrasir, Founder of the International Blockchain Real Estate Association and Founder and CEO of velox.RE talks with us about the blockchain pilot velox.RE. This pilot was done in Cook County to achieve the first USA based conveyance of a property and a public recording of the associated deed using the bitcoin blockchain. Lastly, we discuss…